Pray for Palu and Donggala |
We know that in the past few days, there were earthquake and tsunami in Palu and Donggala, Indonesia. I was so sad as an indonesian. Although I don't live in Palu or Donggala, but I feel pain like my brothers feel it in Palu and Donggala. I can help them just only according to what i can do and keep praying for them.
Around 1,550 people died caused by earthquake and tsunami. There were 34 children at christian bible study camp that was hit by liquefaction. Liquefaction is a phenomenon where saturated sand silt take on the characteristics of a liquid during the intense shaking of an earthquake.
At least around 600,000 children have been affacted by earthquake and tsunami. Many children are shocked and traumatized. "It's hard to imagine a more frightening situation for a child," said Zubedy Koteng, the group's child protection adviser. After Lombok had experience an earthquake, then followed by earthquake and tsunami in Palu and Donggala.
Indonesia is a prone country of earthquakes because this country is a country where world plates meet each other. So this is very important to be able to make an effective technology which can detect earthquakes, even though until now there is no technology like that. But, there is a journal about Study of characteristic of tsunami base on the coastal morphology in north Donggala, Central Sulawesi from Study Program of Geophysics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Hasanuddin University . I hope there are other journals and researches to trigger the emergence of a technology that can anticipate natural disasters.
I really appreciate the journal. The journal's abstract claims that :
The northern arm of Sulawesi potentials to generate earthquake and Tsunami due to the existence of subduction zone in sulawesi sea. It makes the North Donggala as an area with active seismicity. One of the earthquake and Tsunami events occurred is the earthquake and tsunami of Toli-Toli 1996 (M 7.9) causing 9 people are killed and severe damage in Tonggolobibi, Siboang, and Balukang. This earthquake induced tsunami runup of 3.4 m and inundated as far as 400 meters. The aims of this study is to predict runup and inundation area using numerical model and to find out the characteristics of Tsunami wave on straight, bay and cape shape coastal morphology and slopes of coastal. The data in this research consist of are the Etopo2 bathymetry data in data obtained from NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) , Toli-toli’s main earthquakes focal mechanism data 1st January1996 from GCMT (Global Centroid Moment Tensor) , the data gained from the SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission) data 30 m and land cover data in 1996 from Ministry of environment and forestry . Single fault model is used to predict the high of tsunami run-up and to inundation area along Donggala coastal area. Its reviewed by morphology of coastal area that higher run up shows occurs at coastline type like bay have higher run up compare to area with cape and straight coastline. The result shows that the slopes have negative or contras correlation with Tsunami runup and its inundation area.
You can see the full contents of the journal. Clink link below.
thank you for reading my article. If there was a mistake, I apologize because I am not native speaker and I am also studying english. Thanks.
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