Kamis, 06 Desember 2018

Kinds of Linking Words and Examples (Macam - Macam Kata Hubung dan Contohnya)

source : pixabay.com

Pada kesempatan kali ini, kita akan mempelajari tentang kata-kata penghubung antar kalimat dalam Bahasa Inggris. Penggunaan Linking words dalam Bahasa Inggris bisa digunakan untuk menghubungkan kata yang bertujuan untuk mengekspresikan suatu alasan dan hasil (reason and result), sebagai informasi tambahan  (Adding information), sebagai pengatur posisi kalimat (organizing) dan sebagai penghubung kalimat yang kontras (Contrasting ideas)

Lingking Words: Reason and Results

Lingking words help you to connect the ideas in a sentence. In this lesson, you'll learn some common linking words to express reasons and results

Penggunaan linking words membantumu untuk menghubung ide-ide di sebuah kalimat. Pada materi ini kamu akan mempelajari beberapa linking words yang umum untuk mengekspresikan suatu alasan dan hasil (reason and results).

Berikut adalah contoh penggunaan linking words untuk mengekspresikan suatu alasan:

1. Because / Because of

The difference between these two words is that Because is followed by a subject + verbs, and because of is followed by a noun.

Perbedaan penggunaan dua kalimat yaitu because diikuti dengan subject + verb, dan because of diikuti dengan kata benda.


  1. The party was canceled because of the rain.
  2. The party was canceled because it was raining.

Pada dialog Bahasa Inggris, kebanyakan orang menggunakan kata cause sebagai bentuk pendek dari kata "because".

2. Due to and Owing to

Due to and owing to are also followed by a noun . These words are a little more formal.

Penggunaan kata due to dan owing to diikuti dengan kata benda. Dua kata ini jauh lebih formal.


  1. There're a lot of traffic today due to the upcoming summer.
  2. The extra school program was cancelled owing to lack of interest from students.
3. Due to the fact that / Owing to the fact that

Use these phrases before a subject + verb. Again, these pharases are a little more formal.

Gunakan dua frasa ini sebelum subject + verb. Dua frasa ini sedikit lebih formal.


  1. Many people are still unemployed due to the fact that the economic recovery has been slower that anticipated.
  2. The publisher rejected the author's latest work owing to the fact that the manuscript was full of errors.
4. Since As

Since and as are more informal, and they are followed by a subject + verb.

Since dan as merupakan dua kata hubung informal yang diikuti dengan subject dan verb.

  1. I didn't go to the swimming pool today, as I had a lot of homework to do.
  2. I am going to study everyday since I got a bad score at exam. 
Selain penggunaan kata penghubung untuk menyatakan suatu alasan, fungsi lainnya yaitu dapat digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu hasil (result).

5. Therefore / Consequently / As a result

These words are more formal, and are more commontly used in written English.

Kata penghubung tersebut lebih formal, dan lebih umum digunakan pada Bahasa Inggris. Penggunaan kata penghubung tersebut juga untuk menghubung dengan suatu hasil (result)

  1. Our company's profits have increased 100% in the past month. Therefore, we're going to invest in new equipment.
  2. The tennis player had knee surgery mid-October; consequently, she took the rest of the season off.
  3. There have been heavy rains throughout the interior of the state. As a result, several areas have experienced flooding.
6. So

"So" is more informal, and more commonly used in spoken English.

Penggunaan So dalam Bahasa Inggris umumnya merupakan penggunaan yang informal.

  1. I was hungry, so went I stopped at cafe for a snack
Linking Words: Adding information, Summarizing Information and organizing

1. For example / for instance

Use these words to give one example of the idea you are talking about. Both of these expressions can go at the beginning or the end of a sentence.

Gunakan dua kata penghubung tersebut untuk memberikan satu contoh ide yang kamu bicarakan. Kedua kata penghubung tersebut dapat digunakan pada awal kalimat atau akhir kalimat.

  1. The are a number of problems in this classroom. For example, this classroom doesn't have audiovisual equipment.
  2. She has a lot of good ideas for our business - opening an online store, for instance.
2. i.e. and e.g

In written English, we can use i.e. to give further explanation or clarification; it means "that is" or "in other words"

Pada penggunaan Bahasa Inggris, kita gunakan i.e. untuk memberikan penjelasan lebih lanjut atau klarifikasi.


  1. Our last marketing campaign failed (i.e. we spent $40,000 and didn't make many sales).
We can use e.g. to give examples; it means "for examples"

Kita dapat gunakan e.g. dalam bahasa inggris untuk menyatakan beberapa contoh.


  1. I enjoy hard sports (e.g. rock climbing, hang gliding, and windsurfing).
3. Namely / such as

There is a difference between namely and such as . Namely is followed by all of the examples you referred to, but such as gives only one or some of the examples, not all of them.

Terdapat perbedaan antara penggunaan kata hubung namely dengan such as. Namely diikuti dengan seluruh contoh yang dimaksud. Tetapi such as dimaksudkan hanya untuk satu atau beberapa contoh tidak semuanya.

    1. A few of the students - namely Andrew, Thomas, and Adrian - failed the course.
    2. A few of the students, such as Brian, failed the course.
4. Also / too

Also can go in the middle of a sentence, whereas too is typically used at the end.

Kata hubung also digunakan pada pertengahan kalimat. Sedangkan too digunakan pada akhir kalimat.

  1. We did a lot of seightseeing on our vacation. We also bought a number of souvenirs.
  2. We did a lot of sightseeing on our vacation. We bought a number of souvenirs, too.
5. as well / as well as
As well goes at the end of the sentence (similarly too)
As well as must be followed by another world 

As well berada di akhir kalimat, sedangkan as well as diikuti dengan kata lain.


  1. She's not only extremely sucessful, she's beutiful as well.
  2. She's beautiful as well as being extemely succesful.
 6. in addition / moreover / furthermore

These linking words are usually used at the beginning of a sentence to add another idea or further develop the previous point.

Kata-kata penghubung ini biasanya digunakan di awal kalimat untuk menambahkan ide lain atau mengembangkan lebih jauh poin sebelumnya.

  1. People who exercise regularly have more energy during the day and sleep better at night. In addition, they tend to live longer.
  2. Construction on the new subway has been delayed for months due to budget shortfalls. Moreover, the workers are threatening to go on strike.
  3. Our sales are expected to rise 50% in the next month. Furthermore, purchase of new equipment will help cut manufacturing costs and increase profits.
Keterangan: in addition, moreover, and furthermore lebih formal penggunaanya dalam Bahasa Inggris. Penggunaan yang dalam keadaan tidak formal bisa menggunakan plus, what's more, and besides.
Organizing and Ordering Information
 1. Firstly / Secondly
When you are going to make a series of points, you can use first and secondly for the first and second points. After that, you can use "The third point," "The fourth point" etc. or "in addition."
Ketika kamu akan membuat beberapa pernyataan berupa poin, maka kamu bisa menggunakan pertama (first) dan kedua (second) untuk pernyataan pertama dan kedua. Setelah itu kamu juga bisa menambahkan poin ketiga (The third point), poin keempat (The fourth point), etc. Atau tambahan (In addition).

2. Lastly / Finally 

For your final point, you can begin the sentence with lastly or finally. These words show your that you are almost finished
Untuk pernyataan yang terakhir, kamu dapat memulai dengan lastly atau finally. kata-kata ini menunjukkan bahwa kamu hampir selesai menyatakan sesuatu.

3. The former / the letter

You can use these words to refer back to two examples previously mentioned:
Anda dapat menggunakan kata-kata ini untuk merujuk kembali ke dua contoh yang disebutkan sebelumnya:
  1. Our company has two factories: one is Detroit and one in Atlanta. The former is operating at 95% capacity and the latter at 65%.
Pada kasus di atas, "the former" = the factory in Destroit, and "the latter" = the factory in Atlanta.
4. Summarizing Information

Here are some English phrases you can use to give a summary of the information you have already said or written. In general, these phrases go at the beginning of the sentence and are followed by a comma.
  •  In Short,
  • In Summary,
  • To summarize,
  • In conclusion,
  • In a nutshell,
Di atas adalah beberapa frasa dalam Bahasa Inggris yang bisa digunakan untuk menyatakan informasi ringkasan.

Linking Words: Contrasting Idea

1. But / However

But is more informal than however. You can use however at the beginning of a sentence, but you can't use but at the beginning of a sentence (in written English). 

But penggunaannya lebih tidak formal dibanding however. However digunakan pada awal kalimat, tetapi but tidak dapat digunakan pada awal kalimat dalam Bahasa Inggris.

  1. I tried to lift the box, but it was too heavy for me.
  2. I tried to lift the box. However, it was too heavy for me.
2. Although / even though
These linking words are the same, and they are both followed by a subject + verb.
Kata hubung ini memiliki makna yang sama, dua kata tersebut diikuti oleh subject + verb.
  1. Although I exercise every day, I can't seem to lose any weight.
  2. He still loves her, even though she treated him very badly.
3. Despite / In spite of
These linking words are the same, and they are followed by a noun or a gerund (-ing form of the verb, which can function as a noun).
Dua kata hubung tersebut memiliki makna yang sama, dua kata tersebut diikuti dengan noun atau gerund (bentuk verb-ing dapat berfungsi sebagai noun)  
4. Despite the fact that / in spite of the fact that
These phrases are followed by a subject + verb.
Frasa-frasa tersebut diikuti dengan subjek dan verb.
  1. He arrived on time in spite of the fact that he left two hours late.
  2. They won the game despite the fact that they had three fewer players.
5. While / Whereas / Unlike

These linking words are used to make contracts. While and whereas are usually used between two complete phrases. Unlike is typically used with only a subject.
Kata-kata hubung tersebut digunakan untuk membuat kalimat yang saling berlawanan. Sedangkan unlike (tidak seperti) digunakan untuk pada suatu subjek.
  1. I like football, while my brother prefers basketball.
  2. This cell phone plan costs $0.05 per minute, whereas that one gives you up to 600 minutes for a fixed price.
  3. His boss allows him to work from home, unlike mine.
Sumber : espressoenglish.net (Free Grammar Ebook Level 2) with modifications.

Baca Juga:  Cause (Sebab/Alasan)

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