Kamis, 28 Januari 2016

Purpose (Tujuan)

In order to/That (Agar)

  • I study hard in order to pass the test. (Aku giat belajar agar lulus tes)
  • She worked hard in order that he can pay the school fee. (Ia bekerja dengan keras agar ia dapat membayar uang sekolah)

So as to (Sehingga)

  • I sleep early to wake up at six o’clock tomorrow. (Aku tidur lebih awal agar bangun jam enam besok)
  • I study hard so as to take the international examination. (Aku giat belajar, sehingga dapat ikut ujian internasional)

So (Sehingga)

  • It was so cold that I couldn’t go out. (Begitu dingin, jadi aku tidak bisa keluar)
  • The house is haunted, so it’s spooky (Rumah tersebut berhantu, jadi menyeramkan)

So...that/such...that (Sehingga)

  •  She is so kind that everybody likes her. (Ia sangat baik sehingga setiap orang menyukainya)
  • It was such an important story that I have read it more and more. (Ini adalah cerita yang sangat penting sehingga aku membacanya lagi dan lagi)

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