Selasa, 01 Desember 2015

Simple Future Tense

City, Vancouver, Canada
Simple future tense digunakan ketika kita hendak menunjukkan kegiatan, peristiwa atau kejadian yang terjadi di masa depan atau akan datang. Sesuai arti katanya:
Simple: sederhana
future: masa depan atau akan datang
Maka, dalam kalimat bahasa Indonesia, kalimat dengan pola simple future tense mengandung kata "akan" adapun dalam kalimat bahasa Inggris, kalimat berpola simple future tense mengandung kata will dan shall.

This tense is used for those sentences which refer to the actions which will occur later, in future. This requires a future tense auxiliary verb even though the verb would be unmarked.

  •  You will help him later.
  • Will you help him later?
  • You will not help him later.

Positive Negative Interrogative
S + will + verb1 S + will not + verb1 will + S + verb1
S + shall + verb1 S + shall not + verb1 Shall + S + verb1
S + to be going to + verb1 S + to be not going to + verb 1 To be + S + going to + verb1

Subjek To be present
  • I
  • We
  • You
  • They
  • He
  • She
  • It
  • Dewi and Budi
  • am
  • are
  • are
  • are
  • is
  • is
  • is
  • are

Positive, Negative, Question Forms

Statement Negative Question
  • I will (I'll) be there tomorrow.
  • You will (you'll) be there.
  • He/she/it will (he'll) be there. 
  • We will (we'll) be there.
  • They will (they'll) be there.
  • I won't (will not) be there.
  • You won''t be there
  • He/she/it won't be there.
  • we won't be there.
  • They won't be there.
  • Will I be there tomorrow?
  • Will you be there?
  • Will he/she/it be there?
  • Will we be there? 
  • Will they be there?

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