Senin, 30 November 2015

Simple Past Tense

Panorama, London, Views Of The City
Di bawah ini adalah salah satu arti kata simple dan past menurut kamus Oxford yang dipilih sesuai dengan konteks untuk tense.
simple: Sederhana
past: masa lalu atau sesuatu yang telah lewat
Jadi, simple past tense dapat diartikan sebagai suatu peristiwa sederhana yang menceritakan peristiwa, kejadian, atau keadaan pada waktu lampau.

Simple past tense is used to narrate an action of the past. The verb in the past tense ends with an -ed' and hence, there are seven ways of marking the irregular verbs in the past tense. The most common being the change of the vowel as in 'drink' - 'drank'.

  • You called Budi.
  • Did you call Budi?
  • You did not call budi.

(VERB+ed) or irregular verbs

  • Budi worked in that office for almost for years.
  • He passed away in 1999.
  • We went for the movie yesterday.
  • Three years ago, I studied at the Canada University.
Positive, Negative, Question Forms


Positive Negative Question
I arrived yesterday.
You arrived yesterday.
He/she/it arrived.
We arrived.
They arrived.
I didn't (did not) arrive.
You didn't (did not) arrive.
He/she/it didn't arrive.
We didn't arrive.
They didn't arrive.
Did I arrive yesterday?
Did you arrive?
Did he/she/it arrive?
Did we arrive?
Did they arrive?

To Be

The verb "be" is also irregular in the Simple past. Unlike other irregular verbs, there are two Simple Past Forms: "was" and "were." It also has different question forms and negative forms. Always remember that you DO NOT use "did" with the "be" in the Simple past.

Positive Negative Question
  • I was.
  • You were.
  • We were.
  • They were.
  • He was.
  • She was.
  • it was.
  • I was not.
  • you were not.
  • We were not.
  •  They were not.
  • He was not.
  • She was not.
  • It was not.
  • Was I?
  • Were you?
  • Were we?
  • Were they?
  • Was he?
  • Was she?
  • Was it?

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