Jumat, 08 Juli 2016

Looking and Asking for Some Place of Conversations

Looking for Someone's House

Budi : "Excuse me miss, do you know where is Mr. Andi's House?" (Permisi nona, Apakah anda tahu di mana rumah tuan Andi?)

Sarah : "Yes, I know, it's on Block C. (Ya, saya tahu, rumahnya di Block C)

Budi : "Is it far from here ?" (Jauhkah dari sini?)

Sarah : "No, it's near. You can walk along this street for two blocks, turn left. That's Mr. Andi's house. The number is seven. It has pink painted." (Tidak, rumahnya dekat. Jalanlah sepanjang jalur ini, dua blok, belok kiri. Itu rumah Pak Andi. Nomornya tujuh. Rumahnya berwarna merah muda.)

Budi : "Thank you for your information." (Terima kasih atas informasinya)

Sarah : "You are welcome." (Terima kasih kembali)

Looking For A Hotel

Budi : "Excuse me. Can you tell me, where the nearest hotel is? (Permisi. Bisakah anda memberitahukan kepada saya, di mana hotel yang terdekat?

Sibera : "Yes, it's on Jl. Sisingamangaraja. (Ya, ada di jalan Sisingamangaraja.)

Budi : "What is the name of the hotel? (Apakah nama hotelnya?)

Sibera : "It's Berlian Hotel. (Namanya Hotel Berlian)

Budi : "Is it far from here?" (Jauhkan dari sini?)

Sibera : "Not, so far. It's only four blocks from here." (Tidak terlalu jauh, dari sini hanya empat blok.)

Budi : "Should I go there by Taxi?" (Haruskah saya ke sana menggunakan taksi.)

Sibera : "No need to use taxi. You can take a walk." (Tidak perlu menggunakan taksi. Kamu bisa jalan saja.)

Budi : "Thanks for your information." (Terima kasih banyak atas informasinya.)

Sibera : "Let me show you the way. " (Mari kutunjukkan jalannya.)

Budi : " You are very kind. Thank you very much." (Kamu sangat baik. Terima kasih banyak)

Sibera : "Don't mention it. I am glad can help." (Jangan katakan itu. Aku senang dapat membantu.)

Minggu, 05 Juni 2016

The Story of Mother's Struggle

This story is a true story of a poor family who had a son. His father had died. Stay mother and son to support each other. His mother struggled to raise her son alone and at that time the village is not electrified. While reading the book, the child only by the light of an oil lamp, while his mother lovingly sewed clothes for the child.When entering the autumn, the child enters high school. But it was when her mother suffered a severe rheumatic disease, so it can no longer work in the fields. 

Kamis, 02 Juni 2016

Preference (Pilihan/Kesukaan)

Preference adalah bentuk ungkapan kalimat yang menyatakan suatu hal lebih disukai daripada hal lain. Preference terbagi dalam tiga bentuk.

Sabtu, 14 Mei 2016

Pronoun (Kata Ganti)

What is a Pronoun ?

In grammar, a pronoun is defined as a word or phrase that may be substituted for a noun or noun phrase, which once replaced, is know as the pronoun's antecedent.

Senin, 02 Mei 2016

Talking About Idea (Membicarakan tentang Cita-cita)

* What is your ride, Budi? (Apa cita-citamu, Budi?)
^ I want to be a teacher. (Saya ingin menjadi guru.)
* Why do you want to be a teacher? (mengapa kamu ingin menjadi guru?)
^ It's an honour job. We can be clever because of our teacher. (Ini pekerjaan yang mulia, kita menjadi pandai karena guru kita.)
* Yes, I see. (Ya, saya tahu.)
^ What do you want to be? (Kamu ingin jadi apa?)
* I want to be a doctor. (Saya ingin jadi dokter.)
^ Why is it so? (mengapa demikian?)
* You know, a doctor is also an honour job. As a doctor we can help sick people. (Kamu tahu seorang dokter juga suatu pekerjaan yang mulia. Sebagai dokter kita dapat membantu orang yang sakit.)
^ That's all right. I hope you will be success and become a famous doctor. (Itu benar, saya harap kamu akan sukses dan menjadi dokter yang terkenal.)
* Thank you for your pray. I also do hope that you will be a good teacher. (Terima kasih untuk doamu. Saya juga benar-benar berharap bahwa kamu akan menjadi seorang guru yang baik.)
^ Thanks a lot. (Terima kasih banyak.)

Sabtu, 23 April 2016

The Planet Pluto and The Charon

Pluto & Charon
From the surface of the planet Pluto, we look up at Charon in the sky, 20 times closer to pluto than our Moon is to Earth. It is an impressive sight. Charon may rank twelfth in size among moons in the solar system, but it is so close to Pluto-only 11,650 miles (18,800 kilometers) above Pluto's equator-that it appears larger than any other moon appears from the surface of its planet. Charon covers almost 4 degrees in Pluto's sky-eight times as wide as our Moon appears from Earth. On our planet, you can hold a pea out at arm's length and completely eclipse our Moon. On Pluto, to block Charon from view, you would need a billiard ball.

It was no surprise that Charon rotates in the same period of time as it revolves so that it always presents the same hemisphere to Pluto. All the inner satellites and all the major satellites in the solar system have synchronous rotation and revolution because they are tidally coupled to their planets. A planet's gravity creates a slight tidal bulge in its moons and pulls on that bulge so that the moons cannot turn it away from the planet. One side of the satellite always faces the planet and the other side always faces away while the planet rotates rapidly, so that the moon rises and sets for all parts of the planet. But, Pluto furnished a surprise. Pluto and Charon are so close to twins in size and so close together that Charon's gravity induces a bulge in Pluto. The bulge is great enough that pluto is tidally coupled to Charon just as Charon is tidally coupled to Pluto. Thus, Pluto always shows the same face to Charon just as Charon always shows the same face to Pluto. It is the only example of mutual tidal coupling in the solar system. The result is that for an astronaut standing in Pluto, Charon is either always visible or never visible.

The shadows we see on Charon reveal an uneven, cratered landscape. Like Pluto, Charon is light gray, although somewhat darker and more even in color than Pluto, as was know from measurements made from Earth using the Pluto-Charon eclipses. The very slightly reddish brown hue of Pluto is missing from Charon-or at least from Charon's Pluto-facing side, that is the only side we get to see from the surface of Pluto. Missing too from Charon is the methane frost which partially covers Pluto. With Charon's smaller mass and therefore weaker gravity, whatever methane ice there was at the surface has evaporated. Perhaps this in part explains why Charon is less reflective. The escaping methane has exposed frozen water to view.

On Earth, we are used to rising and setting of the Sun, Moon, and stars as our planet turns. On Pluto, the Sun rises and sets, if somewhat slowly, but Charon stays fixed in the sky. It never rises or sets, thanks to tidal coupling. As Charon revolves once around Pluto in 6.4 days, Pluto spins once around on its axis in that same period of time. The result is that Charon hangs almost stationary in the sky while the Sun and Stars glide slowly past in the background. Because Charon is so large in the sky, stars are frequently blocked from view. These stellar occultations are the only eclipses visible during the 120-year gap between seasons of solar and lunar ecplipses.

From the vantage point of Earth, Pluto and Charon pass in front of and behind one another very  rarely. The Earth experiences solar and lunar eclipses at least four times and sometimes as many as seven times a year. Because of Pluto's axial tilt and Charon's position over Pluto's equator, the pair goes for almost 120 years without their shadows ever falling upon one another. Then, in a period roughly six years long, Charon's orbit is nearly edge on to Earth and every 6.39-day orbit Charon makes carries it across the face of Pluto and then around behind Pluto. The result is an eclipse frenzy. Serendipitously, that eclipse season began in 1985, soon after Charon was discovered.

During an eclipse of the Sun on Pluto, Charon would look like a giant dark hole in the sky, marked only by the absence of stars. It would be dark but not black because it would be illuminated be reflected light from Pluto. The corona-the outer atmosphere of the Sun, which makes solar eclipses seen from Earth so beautiful-would be visible only just after the Sun vanished and just before it reappeared. At mid-eclipse, the disk of Charon covers the entire orbit of the Earth. The corona is far too faint at that distance from the Sun to peer around the edges of Charon.

Selasa, 05 April 2016

Past Perfect Tense

Tense ini dipakai untuk menerangkan suatu perbuatan yang sudah selesai dilakukan pada waktu lampau, atau menjelaskan dua peristiwa yang telah terjadi, tetapi menegaskan peristiwa mana yang terlebih dahulu terjadi.

Past Continuous Tense

Tense ini dipakai untuk menyatakan peristiwa atau perbuatan yang sedang berlangsung pada waktu lampau pada saat peristiwa yang lain terjadi atau saat melakukan perbuatan lain.


I/he/she/it was + Present Participle (V-ing)
We/you/they were + Present Participle (V-ing)

Contoh :
  • When you called me, I was listening to the radio. (Ketika anda menelepon saya, saya sedang mendengarkan radio)
  • He was watching television all afternoon yesterday. (Ia sedang menonton televisi sepanjang sore kemarin)
  • We were on the living room when mother called us. (Kami berada di ruang tamu saat ibu memanggil kami)

Sabtu, 19 Maret 2016

Conditional Sentence (Kalimat Pengandaian)

Conditional Sentence adalah kalimat yang menyatakan bahwa sesuatu akan terjadi/dilakukan jika suatu syarat/keadaan tertentu dipenuhi. Kalimat pengandaian terdiri atas dua bagian, yaitu main clause (induk kalimat) dan if clause (anak kalimat). Dalam if clause terkandung syarat-syarat yang harus dipenuhi agar keadaan seperti yang terkandung dalam main clause dapat terwujud. Conditional Sentence atau kalimat pengandaian terdiri dari dua jenis yaitu real condition (nyata) dan unreal/contrary to fact (tidak nyata).

Conditional Tipe 3/Type 3 Conditional

Conditional tipe 3 digunakan untuk menyatakan syarat atau kondisi di waktu lampau yang tidak terjadi. Bentuk ini sering digunakan untuk menyatakan kritik atau penyesalan dengan would have, could have, atau should have.

Conditional Tipe 2/Type 2 Conditional

Conditional tipe 2 digunakan untuk menyatakan situasi atau keadaan yang tidak menurut kenyataan atau bersifat khayal di waktu sekarang atau akan datang. Tidak didasarkan pada fakta dan menunjuk kepada syarat/kondisi tak mungkin dan hasilnya mungkin.

Rumus :

Tense : Past
If clause : If + S + V2
Main clause : S + would + V2
Fakta : present

Contoh :
-If I won the lottery, I would buy a new house. (Jika aku memenangkan lotere, aku akan membeli rumah yang baru.)

Conditional Tipe 1/Type 1 Conditional

Conditional tipe 1 digunakan untuk menyatakan situasi atau kedaan yang mungkin terjadi, menunjuk pada syarat dan hasilnya yang mungkin.

Kamis, 17 Maret 2016

Zero Conditional

Zero conditional digunakan untuk menyatakan kebenaran-kebenaran umum dan fakta-fakta yang biasanya berupa kebenaran ilmiah.
Rumus :
Tense : simple present
If clause : If + S + simple present
Main clause : S + Simple present
Fakta : sekarang atau selalu
Contoh :
- If i heat water to 100 c, it boils. (Jika saya memanaskan air sampai 100 c, ia akan mendidih.)
- Water boils if i heat it to 100 c. (Air akan mendidih jika saya memanaskan sampai 100 c.)
Struktur kalimat zero conditional juga sering digunakan untuk memberikan perintah, dengan menggunakan kalimat perintah dalam induk kalimat.
Contoh :
- If Budi phones, tell him to meet me at the cinema. (Jika Budi menelepon, katakan padanya untuk menemuiku di bioskop.)
Catatan : When dapat digunakan sebagai pengganti if pada zero conditional.

Sabtu, 05 Maret 2016

Global Warming, Is It an end to our World?

Glacier, Argentina, South America
The devastating impact of global warming is already evident everywhere in the world, as also in Indonesia. If warming continues at this rate, can you imagine what will be the condition of Indonesia 10 to 15 years from now?

There is irrefutable evidence that human activity since the industrial revolution has changed the atmosphere of our earth and continues doing so. Since the time we started industrializing, we started polluting; polluting our waters, our air, releasing greenhouse gases that contribute towards global warming. Human activity will continue to affect out our earth but we need to make changes before our earth succumbs to the pressures of global warming and disappears altogether.

According to a research by Greenpeace, there is extensive deforestation being carried out in Indonesia; half of the tropical rainforests have been destroyed. We are either bulldozing our burning thousands and thousands of acres of tropical forests in order to grow crops. Are we growing these crops to feed our own people? No, these acres and acres of forestland are used to grow crops like palm oil, palm sugar, and coffee - the lifeline of western food industries.

Forests are lungs of our earth. Trees store carbon dioxide and release it as oxygen. Since there are not enough trees left to absorb the huge amounts of carbon dioxide produced, it disrupts the natural balance and contributes towards climatic changes, which is a consequence of global warming (Green peace report, 2007).

The impact of climatic change is noticeable throughout Asia-Pacific by simple observation. Either there are extremely hot days or too much rain accompanied by wind and thunderstorm that disrupts the daily activities. Experts are of the opinion that these changes will continue to happen more often. Furthermore, the shifting weather patterns have made it extremely difficult to predict the climate. Scientists have predicted long term disastrous effect on economy and on the people of Indonesia. More studies have shown drastic climate change will start in 2020. They are of the opinion that the random floods or dry season we see in Indonesia now will become a norm in 2020 (Reuters, 2007).

Moreover, experts are of the opinion that rapid onset of the climate changes will threaten the biodiversity. Due to extreme climates the catches of fish would decrease as much as 40% in Indonesia. Reaserch has shown that majority of people in Indonesia depend on the sea for their livelihood; those people will be drastically affected, as will be the economy of the country (Green peace report, 2007).

Additionally, shifting weather patterns have made it difficult for farmers to decide when to plant crops which in turn has led to major crop failures. A recent study has shown that Indonesia has a loss of 300,000 tons of crop production every year that is three times the loss in previous decades. It is impossible to say how this change will affect the long-term viability of palm oil and other commodities but it will certainly have a disruptive impact (Reuters, 2007)

Eventually global  warming will not only affect economy, but it will also affect the health people. It is predicted there will be dramatic increase in death toll. People will die due to floods, extreme heat, heat waves and storms. Due to the change, the bacteria and viruses will also mutate and a lot of incurable diseases will be responsible for deaths of millions of people (Science Daily, 2007)

Global warming is not a new problem nor is Indonesia solely responsible for it. But as it is, Indonesia will be among the most vulnerable as it is one of the greenhouse gas emitter after china and USA. The goverment of Indonesia recognizes that it is a huge issue that will affect us if attention is not paid to it. The goverment is making every possible effort they can to tackle this issue but we have to do our part.

thanks for reading, read this article too The Planet Pluto and The Charon

Sabtu, 06 Februari 2016

Cause (Sebab/Alasan)

1. Because/because of (Karena)
  • He married her because of her kindness. (Ia menikahinya karena kebaikanya)
  • I come here because I want to meet you. (Aku datang ke sini karena ingin bertemu kamu)
2. Since (Karena)
  • Since I have much money, I can buy anything. (Karena aku punya banyak uang, aku dapat membeli apapun)
3. Seeing that (Selama)
  • Seeing that it's very hot outside, you had better stay at home. (Selama masih sangat panas di luar, lebih baik kamu tinggal di rumah).

The Present Perfect Continuous Tense


a. Menyatakan sesuatu (kejadian) telah dimulai dan sampai sekarang masih berlangsung.


We have been thinking about what you said.
She has been living here for three months.

Tense ini nyaris sama dengan The Present Perfect Tense. Bedanya, tense ini menitik beratkan pada kontinuitas dari kejadian itu. Jadi dalam hal ini The Present Perfect Tense bisa menggantikannya.

She has been living here for seven years.
(= She has lived here for seven years). 

Kamis, 04 Februari 2016

Contoh Personal Letter

Padang, 1st November 2015
To : Irsyad Haznim
Sidowayah Street No. 25

Dear Irsyad,
My younger brother, how are you doing, there? I hope you are in good condition. I sent this letter to give you some good news.

It’s been one year we separated, since you moved to Pasuruan. I miss you so much. I’m really looking forward to meeting with you soon. After waiting for so long, I finally granted permission to visit you in Pasuruan. Maybe next month I will go to your home. I really wanted to meet you and your parents. See you there.

Your older Sister,
Sibera Ryuka

Kamis, 28 Januari 2016

Result (Sasaran)

For (Untuk)

  • I use calculator for calculating. (Aku menggunakan kalkulator untuk menghitung)
  • This is used for writing. (Pulpen ini digunakan untuk menulis)

To (Untuk/bagi)

  •  I send the letter to my sister. (Aku mengirim surat untuk saudara perempuanku)
  • I did it to make you success. (Aku melakukannya untuk membuatmu sukses)

Purpose (Tujuan)

In order to/That (Agar)

  • I study hard in order to pass the test. (Aku giat belajar agar lulus tes)
  • She worked hard in order that he can pay the school fee. (Ia bekerja dengan keras agar ia dapat membayar uang sekolah)

So as to (Sehingga)

  • I sleep early to wake up at six o’clock tomorrow. (Aku tidur lebih awal agar bangun jam enam besok)
  • I study hard so as to take the international examination. (Aku giat belajar, sehingga dapat ikut ujian internasional)

So (Sehingga)

  • It was so cold that I couldn’t go out. (Begitu dingin, jadi aku tidak bisa keluar)
  • The house is haunted, so it’s spooky (Rumah tersebut berhantu, jadi menyeramkan)

So...that/such...that (Sehingga)

  •  She is so kind that everybody likes her. (Ia sangat baik sehingga setiap orang menyukainya)
  • It was such an important story that I have read it more and more. (Ini adalah cerita yang sangat penting sehingga aku membacanya lagi dan lagi)